Family Resource Management

Brief History of Department

College of Community Science (formerly known as Rural Home Science) has Five major departments and one of it is Family Resource Management. The Department of Home Management came into existence in 1974 with the formation of College of Rural Home Science, at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka. At that time only three persons constituted the department and the main thrust was toward teaching. Dr.SuhasiniRao was appointed as Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Home Management in 1991. The teaching programme of the department includes instruction at the undergraduate (U.G.) level for the students of College of Rural Home Science, Dharwad.

 Growth of the Department

The nomenclature of the department changed from ‘Department of Home Management’ to ‘Department of Family Resource Management’ in the year 1992-93. The department started awarding M.Sc. degree programme in the year 1991 and Ph.D. programme in the year 2000. The students of this department are trained and specialized in the area of Consumer Ergonomics, Advanced Housing, Product Design, Testing and Evaluation, Ecology and Environment Management, Family Dynamics and Women Power, Environmental Issues and Challenges. The post graduate course work programme of the department is categorized into compulsory courses which must be taken by all the students of the department admitted in M.Sc. /Ph.D. degree programme irrespective of their area of micro specialization. Additional required courses relevant to the field of the specialization are selected by the students within the department and supporting courses  in which a student may choose to study depending upon their research problem.

A National core group has been constituted Vide office order F.No.Edn.7/6/2017-EQR dtd. 28 September 2017 for development of academic regulations for Master’s and Ph.D. programmes, defining names and curricula of Master’s and Ph.D. disciplines

On the recommendations of the National Core Group, 19 Broad Subject Matter Area (BSMA) committees have been constituted for revising the syllabus vide F.No.Edn.7/6/2017-EQR dtd. 4th April 2018. The committees have been conducted several meetings with the concerned experts and stake holders  developed the syllabus for the Resource Management and Consumer Sciences programme

Academic Programmes at a Glance

The course work for M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Resource Management and Consumer Sciences is designed in such a manner that a minimum required training in Ergonomics and Occupational Health Hazards, Resource Management Consumerism, Energy –Renewable and Non Renewable, Housing and Functional Interior, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment, Water Management-Rain water harvesting, Stress and Coping Strategies, Women in Agriculture and Environmental Studies is imparted to every student.

Designation : Professor& Head
Employee No : 10452
Tel/Mobile No : 0836-24414257 (O)  9449000543(M)
Email ID :
Specialisation : Family Resource Management

Dr. Geeta Chitagubbi

B.H.Sc, M.H.Sc. (FRM), Ph.D.

Area of interest  : Women in agriculture, Ergonomics,  Consumer education Entrepreneurship  Development
Superannuation : January 2033

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